Monday, April 5, 2010

Washing Machine Woes

#55.   Hagwons (private English schools) don't pay with actual checks.  They pay in cash or a direct deposit into an account.  When they pay in cash they give it to you in a paper sack.  Think the brown paper kind you took your lunch to school in.  There is no pay stub or any kind of documentation telling me how much I am getting paid for my records or what kind of deductions are being witheld. Tax time next year is gonna suck for sure.

#56.  Korean landlords have no problem coming into apartments at any time of day or night.  A quick knock on the door and yelling in Korean lets you know they're coming in.  Thanks for the notice.  I'll just stand here while you judge me for the clothes being on the floor and my music being too loud. 

I have been without a working washing machine for the 6 weeks that i've been in Korea.  Well technically it works but instead of draining the water from the machine into the pipe, it drains the water from the machine onto the floor of my laundry room.  And YES I have washed my clothes since being here.  I know what you were thinking.  Thankfully my co-worker Jen lives below me and doesn't mind me using hers.

After 6 weeks of complaining it finally got "fixed."  Now I use the " " because after the landlords (wife and husband) came to fix still leaks all over the laundry room. They "fixed" it by sticking scissors down the drain and wiggling them around.  He gave me the thumbs up.  She grabs an extra fitted sheet and throws it into the washing machine, runs to me (sitting on the bed feeling as awkward as humanly possible) and holds my fingers over the buttons while she pushes the power button on and off.  On and off.  I get it lady.  You push it turns on.  You push it again it turns off.  I know how to start a washing machine.  I'm pretty sure my button pushing skills aren't the reason for laundry water to spew all over my apartment. 

Needless to say she starts the washing machine and tells me "Water. No."  30 minutes later the water is covering the floor of my laundry room.  "Water. YES."

Thanks to the water lady and her not-so-magical scissors,  I have now missed my soccer game.  Sorry team.  Blame her and her scissors.  I know I do.


  1. That's hilarious...jiggle the scissors and say "no water" kind of like you're the idiot :) I can't believe that's how you get paid, that's crazy. Glad you finally have some money now.

  2. OMG I can't believe the picture of the food. Boy wouldn't our government have fun with the food preparation over there. I guess they figure no one dies from contamination (do they?) so everything is fine. Love you long time

  3. LOL! Funny post! too bad "Water, no" lady isn't grasping the picture. have fun with that bag of cash at H&R block next year. Maybe the company has an accounting department so you can find out if they are actually taking out taxes!

  4. Problems with your washing machine? Don't worry, I'll look at it next time I'm over!
