Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rant Rant Rant

This is going to be a bit of a rant.  I apologize in advance.

I have said before that Hagwans (private schools) treat the education of the itty bitties like more of a business instead of a school.  This could not have been more apparant than it was yesterday. 

Imagine trying to teach a class and running out of time to do the "required" pages.  I put the "required" in quotes because the number of pages is decided over a month before actually having that specific class.  It's called a lesson plan.  A plan.  Plans change.  It's been known to happen.  Today I planned to go to the gym in the morning but ended up switching it to the evening because I was too tired. plan changed and the world didn't come to an end.  Tricky.

So back to the "required" pages.  It was time to line up and we had 2 pages left.  Now to me all that means is that we will have to do those pages next time.  Not in Korea.  Not at my school.  I was told by my supervisor to copy the answers to the pages down on the board for them to copy.  I guess by copying the answers and not figuring them out for themselves they will learn them better?  Not.  She then proceeds to tell me to go around to the kids and speed color in their pages so that they are done.

Me:  But doesn't that defeat the purpose of teaching?
Her:  Well yes...but it needs to get done.  Go color their pages.
Me:  I'm not coloring their pages.  We will do it next week.
Her:  It needs to be done today.  Go color his square red.

Needless to say I did not in fact color his square red.  I refused.  I put my size 8 foot down (huge in Korea) and held my ground.  Well I guess I didn't make my point because she went around and colored in all the shapes for them, made them late for the bus and cut into my prep time for my next class.

Korean education frustrate me.


  1. Nope I guess they don't know plans change. Heck none of my kids would of been here if plans hadn't changed. Have a better day tomorrow. Love you

  2. Perhaps even in Korea they have their own version of the ongoing I-Step! I love your picture!

  3. Don't get your butt fired! I can't just drop everything and come get you. (Well, probably could)

  4. WOW! And they wonder why some kids have no initiative these days. Just do their work for them. There ya go! You'll do great and good for you for standing up for what you believe! Just watch it so you don't get canned!! JK love ya!
