Monday, March 15, 2010

Noraebangs and Korean Movie Theaters

#22. Koreans love their Noraebangs (Korean Karaoke). There is one literally on every street and arcade. It is also a worst nightmare for a claustrophobic. The ones in arcades are a small room (think telephone booth) with a few seats, microphones, television screen and big book filled with the latest songs. The ones in streets are just like a Karaoke bar at home except they are 1/2 the size and play a random ass music video in the background. And playing the actual video for the song doesn't really work for them. For example we did "Dancing Queen" the other night and the video behind us playing was Brittany Spears' doing "Toxic." Totally the same right?!

#23. Korean movie theaters usually have assigned seating. You want to sit at the top to get a better view? Too bad. You have the spot right at the bottom where you break your neck looking up at the screen. If a movie isn't packed it's not a big deal to get up and switch but if it is a sold out show (like Alice in Wonderland 3D was) then you suck it up and deal with it.

#24: The majority of Korean phones are pay as you go. There aren't plans. You don't have to sign a big contract. You can pick any phone you want. It's pretty much the shit. I know they have this in America but it's just not as popular as it is here. I have yet to meet someone who has a cell phone plan with a company. It's just not how Koreans do it. Shocking. Yet another difference from America.

Right now i'm sitting in the office of my school listening to my Korean substitute (basically the baby sitter while the English teachers are eating lunch or doing prep work) try to corral our kids. For the foreign teachers the kids listen and do (basically) what they are told because they know we won't take their shit. They do not listen to other Koreans at all. Let me say that again. They do not listen to other Koreans at all. Somehow the foreign teachers have a way of giving a look or saying something that sounds threatening enough to make them sit down and quit running around. The hand signs I wrote about in an earlier post makes the biggest appearance during this part of my day.

I reached another milestone today. I once again made it downtown and back by my lonesome. I managed to pick up some pretty sweet gifts for a few special kiddos back at home (i am sorry to Shannon and Amy in advance) and managed to put more minutes on my phone. Putting more minutes on my phone is what I am most proud of. I walked into a cell phone store where they promptly pushed me down the street to a different store where not a single soul spoke any English. My hand signs came out in full force until I figured out that all she needed was my phone number and money. Duh Jenn. I am a brand new resident of Pohang and I feel like now I can finally survive (almost) on my own. I can cook food (not a large variety but food), get around downtown, put minutes on my phone, call family and friends AND do laundry. I know i've still got a ways to go before I am am truley one with Pohang but I think i'm on my way.

Quick shoutout to a few people who have recently commented:

* Aunt Natalie--I am so glad you are reading my blog! I hope everything is going amazing for you and I hope you tell the family I say hello. I miss you and love you!

*Shannon--I am so glad you are enjoying my blog so far :) I love reading your comments! You should tell Adam that the Certain family is definately gaining on the Hoovers (which should make his day) and as for what I would like in a package...honestly ask my mom. She is putting together a big package for me now and i'm not sure what she included/didn't include but it's the small things I miss like gum, bobby pins, anything in English...that kind of stuff. haha. I miss you guys and love you. Watch the mail this should be getting a lil' surprise sometime soon :)

*Dan Hay--Thanks so much for the comment. I love that you guys are keeping up with me. I hope to hear from you soon! Give my love to the family!


  1. Well you should have the LOOK down pat Jenn as many times as you kids say I gave it to you. Love you long time

  2. hey Jenn! Hello again! Stay positive! Keep your head up! Keep sharing these great insights as well, very interesting to read. I had a great job interview last week. Hopefully it leads somewhere. Any jobs over there for me? Maybe that's the answer... I could pack up the family and move there... yeah, that's it!

  3. Stacey SnellenbargerMarch 16, 2010 at 5:39 AM

    Jen, I bet you have the Joan Comer glare down pat! It comes from being a child in the Comer family.

  4. I second mom's comment... I was on the phone with her today when she busted my eardrum saying: DO YOU WANT ME TO COME IN THERE! YOU BETTER LAY DOWN!

    absolutely made my day... you should try some of those tactics. love you


  5. Ang,
    chances are that comment was made to Connor :)
