Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Making Rice

#10: There are no gender colors. Boys wear pink. Girls wear blue. It doesn't matter. It is very common to see men walking around in bright "female" colors. Men are very fashionable and wear pants that are tighter than their girlfriends, necklaces, earrings and coordinating MURSES (male purses) just to name a few. It's an entirely different fashion culture here. This would never fly in America!

Soo...sidenote...back in America I am known as the girl who can't cook. I try but somehow I just end up ruining things or setting apartments on fire. Yup. I once caught my apartment on fire when trying to make macaroni and cheese. It can be done. Trust me. I've done it. Last night I decided to make rice. Thats right. Me. Make rice. Drum roll please....I did it! I know it doesn't seem like that big of a feat...okay so she made rice. For me this is huge. I can now make one of the Korean staples. Go me.

First step: Rice. Next step: Fried Rice.

Maybe I should buy a fire extinguisher just in case.

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