Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Scooter Success

Today was an awesome day.  I got an amazing apple pie from the mother of one of my devil children and I got a scooter.  Yes, I know that they seem a little unequal on the levels of awesomeness but try not having a proper pie of any sort for a year and tell me what you think.

Back to items of the vrroom vrooom variety.  This little gem is my new love. Brand new and easy to handle.  Tomorrow after work I will begin the process of learning the basics of riding a scooter.  Watch out Pohang.  I've just gone mobile.

1 comment:

  1. Jenn.... OMG! You're blog is hilarious and extremely helpful/insightful. I have just finished reading EVERY post (started it yesterday) and I have been tickled pink reading about all of your experiences.

    I am SO ready for this kind of adventure and cannot wait for the paperwork to go through. I cannot tell you how burnt out I am on life here and judging from your blog, Korea is just the thing to make you appreciate home :-)

    The pie looks wonderful, even by regular pie-eating American standards ;-)

    Hope you have a great day today! Happy Thursday!
