Sunday, August 29, 2010

To Stay or Not to Stay

[It's Sunday again.  What began as another afternoon of wandering around downtown, turned into a fun-filled day at the beach.  Endless hours of volleyball, singing along to guitars and soaking up the rays.  Who could ask for a better afternoon.]

#130.  In cars the phone number of the drive is displayed on the interior of the windshield.  If you are blocking someone in, the person calls your number and you move your car.  Much easier than being the asshole that tows the car.  Ingenious Korea.

I am still on the fence about whether or not to stay in Korea for another year.  Deciding about whether or not to spend another year away from my family and friends.  Figuring out it if it's worth it. I keep having friends of mine getting engaged (3 in the last week), married (4 this summer)  or welcoming new additions to their families (5 this year).  I feel like I am postponing mine.  Starting my own life.  Getting on with my life.

On the one hand I could stay in Korea for another year, save money and have new experiences to last me a lifetime.  I will meet new friends and go places that most people only dream of.  I say that to not put down those people but to simply show that having this opportunity will help me be a better person, use the knowledge I find here in other areas of my life and so forth.  For some people, living in another country for an extended period of time is not an option.  For me, it's something that will impact me forever.  Change who I am.  Alter my ideals.  My ideas.  I'm still me.  The same person with the same ideas about what to do with my life and who I want to be..just taking a different path to get there.  I think of it as i'm on a slow train instead of a plane.  Not the most direct route but it will eventually get me to my destination.

On the other hand if I go home I can go back to school.  Get my teaching certificate.  Find a school to make my mark on.  Find someone to share my  life with.  Be a big girl.  Do everything i'm "supposed" to do.  I'm 24 years old.  I will be a quarter of a century soon.  Not that there is a timeline for my life but I feel like I am running out of time to do everything I want to do.  Everything I am supposed to do.

Clearly I have two hands I am thinking on.  Decisions to make.  If I do end up staying in Pohang for another year I will be coming home for a two week vacation (hopefully) sometime next Spring.  That (among others) is one stipulation I have for a new contract.  If they do not give me it I will be coming home in the Spring.  For good.  It's all up to Kids College now.  Time will tell.

On a more uplifting note, I will finally get a bicycle next week!  One of my good friends in Pohang, Miss Blythe Cooper, is leaving to begin her world traveling adventure and has decided I am the one to get her bike.  Solid.  I will finally be able to bike back and forth from the beach instead of taking a taxi everytime.  Bike downtown.  Bike anywhere my little heart desires.  I have been dragging my feet buying a bike all summer and now I will finally have one.  Hoorah.


  1. Stay in Korea, your love of your life could be there! Maybe it is why you made the trip!

  2. If you stay, and want to go home, you always can. Now I understand you would loose some money and such but you could go home. If you go home, it would be very difficult to get back even with the best intentions. You are still young. Don't limit your choices. You are making such good choices now that I am such you will continue to make good choices. Remember the we all have thought we were going to do one things, and then our hearts lead us a very different direction!

  3. I think a light bulb will go off and you will decide what it is that you need to do. Jennifer all of these things that you do over there are awesome but think of all the things you haven't seen. I know I should be telling you to come home because we miss you and we do but I have seen you grow into a beautiful and smart young woman over there and I know whatever you decide to do will be great. We love you and hope you will be happy with whatever you decide.
