Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bukbu Beach, Conservative Koreans, Volleyball

[Pictures were taken by Chris Kuisle and Darin Novak]

#82. Koreans are very conservative when it comes to clothing. They don't like to see women's bare shoulders. My coworker Jen has actually been slapped on the arm by an Ajumma for exposing her shoulder skin. Honestly Koreans. If you are that worried about shoulder skin you should come to America and take a look around. It'll shock you into the 21st century.

#83.  Even when it is hot out Koreans cover up their skin.  Long pants.  Long-sleeved tshirts.  Visors.  Umbrellas.  Basically they come out to get sand in their underwear, judge the foreigners for wearing tank tops and complain about how hot it is.  Sounds like my idea of a fun day.

Today was 80 degrees with a blue sky and not a cloud in sight.  The first hot day since my arrival in Pohang deserved a day at the beach.  I have a feeling that  Bukbu beach will be my home away from home on the weekends.  Miles of sandy beach.  Bathrooms nearby.  Restaurants a short walk away.  Volleyball.  Soccer. It's the perfect spot.

View from Bukbu Beach

Rainbows at the beach.  Love it.

The only downside to being a beach bum is that all of the foreigners tend to bum together...thus creating the "caged animal" effect.  While playing volleyball we literally had entire rows of Koreans just watching us.  No cheering.  Minimal talking.  Just watching those foreigners attempt to play volleyball

Our "cheering" section

Their minimal talking was translated for us by one of our Korean friends.  It went something like this.

"Why don't they try and hit the ball harder?!"
"The ball didn't go very far."
"Why are they playing this game?"
"I can see her underwear."
"They're not very good."
"Why isnt' she wearing more clothes?"
"They drink alot of beer."

Basically, Koreans like to judge you.  Constantly.


  1. Koreans are conservative with their clothing? Maybe the older generations - try looking for a lady under 30 wearing short shorts, short skirts, or somesuch. Most Korean women won't bare their shoulders, but there's another reason for that - a lack of breasts. Why not draw attention to the parts that will get the most attention?

    And it's OK about Koreans judging us - we do it too. Go ahead, admit :)

  2. Those pics of the beach were beautiful! Definately a must when I come visit. I can't wait!


  3. The beach is a wonderful place to visit just don't go in the water?????? Doesn't seem quit right does it? I'm glad you enjoyed your day Love you

  4. wow, the beaches are beautiful. all of the pictures i have seen so far are amazing, it really does seem like a nice place to be. i love how the kids do the peace sign in the pics too...super cute.

  5. The beach is amazing Jenn. I am still just so impressed with your writing skills. I had no idea what a wonderful writer you are. Thanks again for taking us all along on your journey.

  6. Dude...your blog rocks, and I'm even in a couple pics. I'm honoured! Keep writing this man, it's epic.
