Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bully North Korea

Surprise surprise.  North Korea is angry with South Korea.  For the billionth time they are threatening war.  So what is the difference between now and all of the times before?  Well one big difference is that before good old North Korea didn't sink a ship that killed 46 South Koreans.  They didn't pretend that some other angry communist country with a horrible leader who starves his people did it.  Basically North Korea is a big fat liar and South Korea is sick of all the bullshit.  Good for them. 

While I do not want war (obviously) I do want South Korea to put its big boy pants on and make a stand.  They had an armistice with North Korea (basically a pinky promise they would be nice) and North Korea decided not to honor it.  Where I come from that is a big deal.  Renegging on a pinky promise is just not ok.  Maybe not enough to justify sending bombs to another country but a big deal nonetheless.

Okay okay...i'll get serious.  I have gotten lots of e-mails, facebook messages and phone calls about what will happen.  Long story short...if South Korea DOES in fact go to war I am getting the hell out of here.  I have gotten almost all of my money out of my Korean account, am carrying my passport and identification cards at all times and have made evac plans with my friends.  I am being a big girl and trying my best to be responsible.

 I am also trying to be the optimist that I know I am and remind myself that North Korea is a big bully who always threatens to fight the kid next to him on the swings but rarely does.


  1. Good job. The biggest difference I see in S/N Korea now from earlier on is that YOU are there! Great job stepping up to the plate.

  2. Proud of you for being so level headed and prepared Kiddo. Who wold have thought that our little 12 yr old lost 1 shoe (still can't figure thatn one out) would grow up to be so wise and forward thinking? Love you...Be safe.
