Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Last of Nagasaki

[My vacation seems to be speeding up instead of slowing down.  1 week is just not enough time to properly see a country like Japan.  We are only spending our time between two cities and I still feel like we aren't giving either the time they really deserve.  So much to little time to do it in]

After our long night at Kendall's Bar a solid sleep in was desperately needed.  We took a ferry to the nearby island of Ioujima and ended up at a spa.  It was included in the price of our ferry and we figured it was worth a shot.  Now, when most Americans think of the word "spa" activities like massages, pedicures and facial masks come to mind.  Not in Japan.  Here a "spa" means to walk around naked with other women, get in and out of pools of boiling hot water and feel as uncomfortable as humanly possible while the Japanese women stare you down.  If this sounds like your cup of tea then a Japanese or Korean spa (so i'm told) is for you.

The small island where we had our "relaxing" spa day

Frances and Linds taking a break on our ferry

Our ferry
The beautiful view from our beach

After the relaxing (not) spa we took in a leisurely stroll on the beach and made our way back to Nagasaki.

One more day in Nagasaki and then it's off to Fukuoka.  I sure hope "little Tokyo" can live up to the hype.

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